Friday 5 November 2021

Waiting For Love - Lacey Black

 Dear Love Vixen,

You know the saying “always a bridesmaid, never a bride?” That’s me. I’ve stood beside six best friends, with the seventh to marry the man of her dreams in less than a month. I’ve tried everything, from dating apps to websites that promise to find you deep, meaningful love, only to set you up with a dud who leaves you with the whole check. So, I’m done. Throwing in the towel. Over dating. I’m just going to sit here and wait for it to show up on my doorstep like pizza delivery. I’m… Ugh! Sorry, my neighbor is horrible! I wish you could hear how loud and annoying he is. He’s the worst, even if he is slightly gorgeous. The problem is… he knows it. Anyway, back to my issue. I’m tired of looking for love in all the wrong places! (Wow, cue Johnny Lee.) Help!
Waiting in Washington
Dear Lady in Waiting,
You’re going about this all wrong. Don’t think of it as giving up. Think of it as the perfect time to do some inner soul-searching and find out exactly who you are and what you have to offer those you love. You know I always say, you’ll never find love until you find yourself.
Sweetie, I wish I could tell you a timeline, but there isn’t one. Finding true love could take years or it could be closer than you think.
Good luck, hon!
The ♥️ Vixen


Free in Kindle Unlimited

 Waiting For Love is the eleventh title in The Love Vixen series but can easily be read as a standalone.  I haven’t read any of the previous books in this anthology by various authors but found Theo and Penelope’s story to be completely captivating and fun.  This title is a sweet and sexy, neighbours’ enemies to lover’s romance.

I was enthralled by this pair, and their witty, fun, flirty and antagonistic banter.  Theo is a sexy, sweet, furniture maker who loves nothing more than pushing Penelope’s buttons. Penelope is a toy buyer, who is desperate to find a happy ever after like all her friends.

With Lacey Black’s signature blend of heat, heart and humour this title is sure to leave you with a smile upon your face.

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