Title: Out of the Flames
Series: Firemen Do It Better
Author: Leah Sharelle
Author: Leah Sharelle
Genre: Contemporary Romance
There is nothing in the world that Lead Firefighter Dylan Grant loves more than his wife, Tate.
The second the tattooed mountain of a man laid eyes on her, she became his obsession, the very breath in his lungs, the beat of his heart.
When he isn’t fighting fires or hanging with his two best mates, he is with Tate.
There isn’t one single thing he wouldn’t do for her.
But there is one thing he can’t give her—a baby.
The alpha firefighter just won’t accept that. No way.
Tate leads a charmed life. She is married to a hunk who dotes on her every second of the day.
Her custom jewellery pieces are taking off, giving her a respected reputation and making her some good money. The only black cloud hovering over her happy life is the fact she can’t get pregnant.
Since the day she met Dylan, all she wanted was the perfect life with him. What if she can’t give Dylan what they both want. Will he look elsewhere? Will her failure ruin the best thing that has ever happened to her?
When tragedy strikes the cruellest blow, will Tate and Dylan find a way out of the flames to their happily ever after?
4 Stars
Out Of The Flames is the second title in the Fireman Do It Better series. Dylan and Tate story is unique in the fact that they are already married and living their happy ever after. They are soul mates, and have an incredibly enviable and intense physical and emotional connection and chemistry.
This story is heartfelt, emotional, realistic and relatable to anyone who has suffered through infertility. This pair are devoted to each other and their chemistry is especially intense and the love scenes are not only prolific but full of heat, heart and steam.
I look forward to the next addition to the Fireman Do It Better series.
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